
Debates on China in the United Kingdom

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The coronavirus crisis has intensified the debate in the EU and key member states on the relationship with China and its profound implications. While differences in national approaches persist, there is a growing consensus on the need for the EU to articulate a stronger and more strategically focused China policy in the face of a rapidly changing international environment characterized by great power rivalry.

«Debates on China in the United Kingdom” is the fourth of seven seminars of the project Spain and the Euro-Atlantic debate on China that is being carried out by the FAES Foundation under the auspices of the Secretary of State for Global Spain of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The main objective of this project is to promote understanding of the strategic implications for Spain of the current discussion on China within both the EU and NATO.


Tom Tugendhat, 
Chair of the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee (FAC) and Chair of the Conservative Party China Research Group (CRG), London

Edward Lucas, Nonresident Senior Fellow, CEPA

Dr. Alan Riley, Senior Fellow of the Atlantic Council and sits on the Advisory Committee of the Energy Community.

Nicolás de Pedro, Senior Fellow, Resilient Futures, London